Okie I wanted to share something related to this coming Valentine Day, actually I saw it in my Online game website, ya its weird but actually my online game celebrate Valentine Day too. It’s good for us who not going out XD I can celebrate it in virtual world n do anything random :D
1 rose represents - - in my heart there is only you
2 rose represents - - this world has only the two of us.
3 rose represents - - you're mine to love!
4 rose represents - - lovers until death!
5 rose represents - - my heartfelt appreciation!
6 rose represents - - mutual love and respect!
7 rose represents - - you're my secret love!
8 rose represents - - thanks for your endless support and encouragement.
9 rose represents - - Forever and always yours!
10 rose represents - - impregnable!
11 rose represents - - I only care for your love!
12 rose represents - - my love for you grows day by day!
13 rose represents - - friendship that lasts forever!
14 rose represents - - arrogantly!
15 rose represents - - I'm so sorry!
16 rose represents - - my undying love!
17 rose represents - - my love is beyond help!
18 rose represents - - with sincere wishes!
19 rose represents - - I endure patiently for your love!
20 rose represents - - my true, absolute and sincere heart!
21 rose represents - - sincere love!
22 rose represents - - I wish you good luck!
25 rose represents - - I wish you happiness!
30 rose represents - - We are destined to be friends!
36 rose represents - - romance!
40 rose represents - - I would fight to the death for you!
50 rose represents - - a true love found by chance!
99 rose represents - - for ever and ever!
100 rose represents - - 100% love 100% LOVE!
108 rose represents - - The truest love, 108 roses...I propose!
111 rose represents - - inexhaustible love
144 rose represents - - I will love you every day, generation after generation
365 rose represents - - A rose for every day of the year
999 rose represents - - a love without limits
1001 rose represents - - a love until forever
R u a romantic person to buy 1001 roses? What r u gonna make with 1001 roses?

yea a gigantic heart!