Friday, January 29, 2010

Ai FM Live in Sibu + Foooods

oh..Ai FM live concert in Civic Centre,Sibu but I not really excited because I don't listen to the radio everyday. Since my friend, Khan have the ticket for the concert, and he invite me to accompany him, y not to give a try to watch those radio cast.
Luckily, be the 1st 500 person entitled to get free table calender with their camwhore picture all over the page..yea my friend and I got them coz we came earlier and join the crowd.

After that, we went to Cafe-Cafe again to have our late supper.. o.. damn I will admit it.. it is the best cafe in Sibu after "Uncle Dom" and "Baba and Siam". Timothy, Khan and me order so many super delicious and great food

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