Last 2 days, went to Permata Carpark for PC fair @ Kuching, it’s the 1st day of PC fair and usually it full of crowds looking at the models and sales gals who promote the products by wearing cosplay suit XD like one of the student from Swinburne wearing nurse suit promoting Kingsoft AV.
Ok I went there just to get 2 things, Dell S2409W and 2GB ram, I went around the area and only found 2 Dell booths and turn up they don’t have stock ready for this monitor. Sad yea, I have to find somewhere else in internet for online purchasing again XD
I can’t believe the Cooler Master Infinite 4 ports I bought through online for RM105 but here RM115, G15 Keyboard for RM295 but here RM399 and lastly my Mx518 gaming mouse for RM85 but here RM99… so I guess PC Fair have a high mark up price to fool those customers who didn’t do much survey before buying there.
Last night went to Cozee Cyber cafe and play for 7 hours straight, 3 of us playing multiplayer game called Left 4 Dead :D , best game ever for multiplayer
Didn't realize cozee actually opened by my friend's brother-in-law