Stage 1: Survey

Stage 2: Urine Test
Anyway, I can’t do anything but to follow the officer since they are so serious about it.. man… I can’t believe they even use the ‘security tape’ to make sure the students did not walk away from the building. I felt like been a criminal in a night club where people take ecstasy pill and then number of police officers raid the party and everyone have to take off their undergarment to do drug test.
Actually, it was not a bad day for me because I have ‘eat-all-u-can’ here since there is a lots of food supply. It’s a nice food such as egg sandwich, nasi lemak and soya drinks to compensate our time, effort, and honesty for their survey.

At the end of the test, you get a free manicure with special printed logo of Ministry of higher education on the casing.

p.s: the title is a joke after direct translation from google translate.